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About us 3

At Strategic Brokers, we have relationships with over 30 different banks and lenders, enabling us to provide you with hundreds of different loan options. In addition to this, we thoroughly document procedures to ensure consistency of service each time. Therefore, each client receives an unparalleled customer service experience, not just the finance. We strive to find a solution that suits your personal needs.

We’re not your ordinary mortgage broker.

We don’t see our clients as numbers but instead more like family.


Hung bw.
Hung thumbnail
Hung thumbnail
David bw
David thumbnail
David thumbnail
Gabriel thumbnail
Gabriel bw
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Geoff thumbnail
Geoff bw
Geoff thumbnail
Daniel bw
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Daniel thumbnail
Alleen thumbnail
Alleen bw
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Ross bw
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Jay Thumbnail
Jay bw
Jay thumbnail
Jay Thumbnail
John Heng bw
John Heng thumbnail
Jay Thumbnail
Tony Huang bw
Tony Hoang
Nora thumbnail
Nora BW
Nora thumnail
Jane BW
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Darrien bw
Darrien thumbnail
Darrien thumbnail
Jessica bw
Jessica thumbnail
Jessica thumbnail


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